It is with a heavy heart that we come together every April to commemorate the Armenian Genocide and remember the victims of this atrocious event.
This year marked the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The first commemoration event ever in history, was organised by a group of Genocide survivors, and was held in Istanbul on the 24th of April, 1919 at the local St. Trinity Armenian church. Following this initial commemoration, the date became the annual day of remembrance for the Armenian Genocide.
It so happened this year, that our commemoration event in Auckland was held on the 25th of April, and this day of course marks a significant date in New Zealand’s history also – Anzac Day. As such, we acknowledged the loss and sacrifice that this day signifies for us as New Zealanders, and for our fellow Australians. Observed on 25 April each year, Anzac Day honours the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign, their first engagement in the First World War.
Importantly, one of the members of our community discussed notable links between the Anzacs and the Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks, referencing the recently published book “When We Dead Awaken” by James Robins.
While our community band “Tsirani” delivered classic Armenian melodies, the event included a visual photo memoir to the ancestors and relatives of our community who fell victim to or managed to survive the Genocide.
The audience then enjoyed readings and poems by the young children in our community who are working hard to preserve our language, history and culture.